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Displaying results 101-110 of 136 matches

Stewart McDonald MP | Search
Live and spoke about the big issues of the day, including the EU referendum. Tags: europe eu transport Result page: Previous 1

Stewart McDonald MP | Search
McDonald MP | Issues - My policy positions written to me, visited my surgeries and sent messages about your concerns. I have done my best to listen and represent you. Whether or not you agree with independence or Brexit, the

Stewart McDonald MP | Latest news | Calls for DWP staff training to recognis...
sufficient training in the issues faced by those living with HIV, otherwise people might slip through the safety net that the welfare system is supposed to provide,” McDonald said. The MP continued: “The nature of the infection,

Stewart McDonald MP | Campaign and petition email responses | Bill of Rights
of the most important social issues in a generation and it is incredible that the UKG want to roll these protections back, particularly at a time where Human Rights are under threat worldwide. The Human Rights Act also runs through the

Stewart McDonald MP | Campaign and petition email responses | The Importance...
key health and welfare issues, which has influenced changes to sea lice policy and regulation. The SNP Scottish Government is taking action on the back of the Griggs review and is making progress on several its recommendations, to

Stewart McDonald MP | Campaign and petition email responses | The Home Secre...
chosen to deploy on recent issues. Myself and my SNP colleagues at Westminster will continue to call for responsible use of language on issues such as crime and migration. 648 b « Later entry Earlier entry » RSS

Stewart McDonald MP | Latest news
to solve serious defence issues, SNP Spokesperson for Defence says Posted on October 19 2017 at 16:09 Stewart McDonald MP, and SNP Spokesperson for Defence, criticised the UK Government for the serious problems facing the UK's

Stewart McDonald MP | Search
Live and spoke about the big issues of the day, including the EU referendum. Tags: europe eu transport railways Read more … Stewart McDonald MP meets with Flood Re to discuss how scheme will help local people Posted on

Stewart McDonald MP | Campaign and petition email responses | Ban on disposa...
waste facilities, there are issues which need to be addressed urgently. We will consider the evidence and expert advice and come forward with policy options, which could include a potential ban on single-use vapes. ” During the recent

Stewart McDonald MP | Campaign and petition email responses | Digital Exclus...
is an intersectionality of issues. People are less likely to be able to have digital skills if they are more vulnerable, older, or in poverty, or if they do not have the capacity or time to access them.....It is important to be able to access

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