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Campaign and petition email responses | Please Include Key Animal Welfare Issues in Party Manifesto

Campaign and petition email responses

Please Include Key Animal Welfare Issues in Party Manifesto

The SNP takes animal welfare concerns extremely seriously. The party has proudly addressed matters related to this topic in both the Scottish and UK Parliament, and continually seek to advance policy to protect the wellbeing of animals.

In Holyrood, the SNP Government is advised by leading figures from the Animal Welfare Commission and the Scottish SPCA. They are expertly placed to provide evidence-based recommendations and advice on matters relating to animal welfare.

The SNP has already adopted several active policies which seek to improve the welfare of animals in Scotland. For example, committing to creating a new Scottish veterinary service, in order to ensure adequate numbers of qualified vets working in the industry. Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Bill was recently passed in January 2023, enhancing protections for wild mammals and hunting dogs. In July 2023, the Scottish Government launched a consultation into the licensing of animal-related services. This seeks to enhance the protection of animal welfare by introducing a statutory licensing scheme to set minimum standards for license holders. Action is continually being taken by the SNP Government to progress the welfare of animals in Scotland.

In Westminster, our MPs have continually advocated for improvements to be made to the welfare of animals. In the previous parliament, SNP MP Dr Lisa Cameron has highlighted cruel practices within cosmetic testing specifically to the UK Government in May 2018. She called for international cooperation on the matter from United Nations Member states. In October 2021, SNP MP Martyn Day introduced a Westminster Hall debate on animal testing, calling for the UK Government to ban all animal experimentation in the UK. Martyn Day introduced another Westminster Hall debate in July 2022 to discuss the matter of Bearskin Hats. In doing so, he brought attention to the potential alternatives for the use of fur and asked the UK Government to consider meeting with representatives for PETA. SNP MP Kirsten Oswald tabled an Early Day Motion in January 2022 to express concern over the use of Bearskin Hats. Our MP’s continue to voice their support for reducing unethical practices on animals.

The party and its elected members have a positive track record of advocating for the welfare of animals and will continue to pressure the UK Government to improve provisions to advance the protection of animals.

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