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Latest news | Southsiders urged to use Scotland’s cash first referral leaflet during cost-of-living crisis

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Southsiders urged to use Scotland’s cash first referral leaflet during cost-of-living crisis

Stewart McDonald MP has urged Southside residents to use a new leaflet that aims to help those facing financial difficulties, and anyone supporting them, to access any existing financial advice and local support.

The Independent Food Aid Network (IFAN) has collaborated with local authority teams, advice providers, food aid organisations and other local stakeholders to co-produce 'Worrying About Money?' cash first referral leaflets across most of Scotland's local authorities.

The cash first referral leaflet identifies which local agencies are best placed to help people maximise income and access any existing financial entitlements.

Stewart McDonald said:

"The cost of living crisis is the number one issue that constituents are writing to me about. Many people are already suffering with food and energy costs, some are writing to me panicked about what’s to come. The anxiety people are dealing with is understandable and I will always do what I can to help.

"I will continue to sign post people to the current help and support available, and this leaflet if a fabulous, well recognised resource that will help people get the support they need.

"Whilst the Scottish Government has taken significant action to help people in Scotland through the cost-of-living crisis, their limitations in how they are able to act has laid bare the issues with the Westminster system.

"I will continue to call on the UK Government to step in and do more to ease the cost-of-living crisis for people across the Southside and beyond."

The leaflet can be accessed here

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