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SNP launch paper on the protection of civilians in conflict

The SNP have launched a new report setting out how an independent Scotland would be a good leader in the protection of civilians.

The new paper, ‘A Good Global Citizen: A Scottish Approach to the Protection of Civilians in Conflict’ was launched by the SNP’s Stewart McDonald MP, Alyn Smith MP and Chris Law MP.

The report sets out proposals on atrocity prevention, increased funding for international development and climate change mitigation, a presumption against the use of explosive weapons in populated areas, as well as parliamentary scrutiny of arms exports.

Stewart McDonald MP made a speech earlier this year in Geneva at the UN-backed Political Declaration negotiations on a new international agreement to reduce civilian harm from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.

The SNP urged the UK Government to sign up to the Political Declaration on Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas (EWIPA) back in April, who did so at an international conference in Dublin last week.

Commenting, Stewart McDonald said:

"Far too often civilians suffer the most in situations of conflict. The policies we have put forward outline concrete steps the UK can take to redress past failings and help prevent future atrocities.

"At a time when the international order designed to keep us free and at peace is under unprecedented assault and strain, those of us who believe in that order must continue to give it the new life it needs to succeed. Accountability matters.

“With this paper, Scotland is joining others in setting a new standard for how to protect civilians caught in conflict. As the UK Government looks to update the Integrated Review we would urge it to take these recommendations seriously."

Read the full paper here

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