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Issues - My policy positions | Amazon tax

Issues - My policy positions

Amazon tax

The suggestions that the UK Government is planning to introduce an Amazon tax came a few days after the Scottish Government had already announced it was consulting on new powers, which would see companies like Amazon pay more tax.

The plans – announced by Finance Secretary Derek Mackay – would allow local authorities to impose an extra levy on “predominantly on-line” businesses such as Amazon.

Proceeds would be used to support rates relief for businesses in town centres.

In addition to this, the Scottish Government is committed to taking action against companies – such as making them ineligible for state subsidies - who fail to adopt fair work practices.

Scottish Enterprise confirmed that new rules governing jobs grants would be in force from April, which would prevent Amazon and others from applying if they failed to pay the living wage and adopt other “fair work” practices such as outlawing zero-hours contracts.

In Westminster, I have consistently voted for voted for measures to reduce tax avoidance, as I believe companies should pay their fair share. I also strongly support the Scottish Government’s proposals that would increase worker’s rights and have even brought forward my own plans at Westminster to strengthen these rights, such as my Bill that aimed to ban unpaid trial shifts.

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