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Campaign and petition email responses | Proper Funding for Fire and Rescue Services

Campaign and petition email responses

Proper Funding for Fire and Rescue Services

Fire-fighters play a vital role in protecting our communities and promoting safety, and Scottish Fire & Rescue Service is continuing to deliver the high standard of services required to keep Scotland safe.

The Scottish Government has continued the commitment to support Scottish Fire & Rescue Service delivery and modernisation with a further uplift of £9.5m resource for 2022-23 bringing the budget to £352.7m.

Unfortunately, the Scottish Government is not part of negotiations on firefighter pay, this is rightly a matter for SFRS as the employer.

Firefighter pay is negotiated under well-established collective bargaining arrangements on a UK wide basis.

The Scottish Government would encourage the UK Government and firefighter trade unions to continue negotiating to reach a fair deal for firefighters among record inflation and a cost-of-living crisis.

Of the 81 cross-party supporters 19 SNP MPs have signed EDM 597 calling for urgent central Government funding for fire and rescue services to ensure we have firefighters feel valued and their lifesaving profession reflects the pay they deserve, and my colleagues and I at Westminster will continue to push the UK Government to guarantee fair pay for those who ensure we can all rely on what is an invaluable public service.

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